Kathmandu to Bhairawa to Sunauli Bus

Kathmandu to Bhairawa to Sunauli Coach/Sofa Bus Service

Daily Luxurious Bus service From Kathmandu to Butwal /Bhairawa to  Sunauli and back to Kathmandu with A/C & Couch ( Sofa ) seat is available with us at Rs. 1600 |-. Sunauli is a Major Nepal- India border which is at a distance of 276 KM from Kathmandu following the driving route Chitwan, Butwal, Bhairawa & Finally Sunauli border. Gorakhpur is at a distance 95 KM from the Sunauli border from where you can get Train service and flight service to different destinations of India.

Contact Number -+977 9820822028

From  To  Departure Time  Arrival Time  Price
Kathmandu  Sunauli, Bhairawa, Lumbini  06:30 PM 05:00 AM  Rs1600 
Sunauli, Bhairawa, Lumbini Kathmandu  06:30 PM 05:00 AM  Rs1600 

Bus Stand at Kathmandu - New Bus park, Gongabu