Kathmandu to Delhi Bus

Kathmandu to Delhi Bus ticket booking service is available from our office SPEEDY Tourism Thamel Kathmandu. Ktm to Delhi direct tourist bus service takes a driving time duration of 24-28 hours with 1130 KM distance and bus ticket price Rs 4,800|- for direct & connecting bus. This bus service is daily and directs with the facility of Air conditioning (A/C), comfortable seats, some buses facilitate toilet too.

Nepal to Delhi bus service is more popular and trustworthy after the official inauguration of the joint bus service (DTC from the Indian side and Manjushree YataYat from the Nepal side) by honorable Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi Jee and honorable late Nepali Prime Minister Mr.Sushil Koirala. This service became safer, more comfortable, faster, easier, and more luxurious after the bus service operated by Northern Travel. Many Nepali, Indian, and other tourists are highly beneficial to this.

We are also providing bus reservation or hiring services from Kathmandu Nepal to Major cities of India like New Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Varanasi & other pilgrimage destinations with permit permission from the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu.

Contact number - 015906588 | +9779820822024 ( Mobile, Viber, WhatsApp)

 Because of Covid 19, the Bus at the border should be changed and all the arrangement is made by our company for the connecting bus.

Bus Stand in Kathmandu Departure Time Arrival Time | Delhi
Bauddha  06:00 am Next-Day 11 AM-02 PM
Swayambhu Ringroad, Karkhana Chowk  06: 40 am  Next-Day 11 AM-02 PM
Kalanki front of BABA Petrol pump 07:00 am  Next-Day 11 AM-02 PM
Kitchen Cafe Narayanghat, Chitwan (Near Sauraha) 01:00 pm Next-Day 11 AM-02 PM


Kathmandu to Delhi Bus

Kathmandu to Delhi Bus Photo

Service in Bus: -

Air condition bus, Comfortable Semi sleeper seat, Charging plug, mineral water, and, 2 LED light

Bus route:-

Malekhu Dhading to Narayanghat Chitwan to Buwal to Sonauli (Nepal & India Boarder) to Gorakhpur to Lucknow to Agra to Noida to Delhi.

Do I need a PCR test to travel from Kathmandu to Delhi by bus?

No PCR test is required to travel from Kathmandu to Dehli by Bus.

What is the required Document to travel from Kathmandu to Delhi by bus now?

No need for a CORONA Test or PCR Report

* For Nepali Citizenship card or Passport copy or Student ID card for Children below 16 or Birth certificate

* For Foreigners with Valid visas in India with a passport copy

Bus station or stop in Delhi, India Manju ka Tilla, Paharganj, Gurudwara Bangla Sahib, Metro station Delhi, Ananda Bihar UP, Agra ( Near Tajmahal )

How to travel from Kathmandu to Delhi?

By Flight - Daily Direct flight connects Kathmandu to Delhi to Kathmandu with flight duration 1:40 min- 1:55 min with the first flight at 08:00 am & last flight at 05:00 pm by Nepal Airlines, Air India, Vistara Airlines & Indigo Airlines.

Kathmandu (Ktm) to Varanasi ( Banaras) by flight and Varanasi to Delhi by bus, jeep, car, or flight

Buddha Airlines operates 2 direct flights every Monday & Friday per week from Kathmandu to Varanasi and back to Kathmandu with a flight time duration of 50 minutes & air distance of 351 km.

Departure time from Kathmandu to Varanasi: 7:15 am | Varanasi arrival time: 8:05 am

Varanasi is at a distance of 846.6 km from New Delhi with a connection by the newly constructed Lucknow Expressway & Jamuna Expressway. A number of flight is available from Varanasi to Delhi. Besides this car /cab, jeep and bus booking service is also available from our company. If you have a traveling mood then we suggest one day of Varanasi sightseeing, staying there overnight, and the next day traveling to New Delhi.

By Train ;- If you are willing to travel from Kathmandu to Delhi by train then you have to travel from Kathmandu to Sonauli (Nepal- India Border) by bus, Sonauli to Gorakhpur by cab & catch a train to New Delhi from Gorakhpur or Kathmandu to Bhairawa airport by flight Bhairawa to Sonauli to Gorakhpur by drive and Gorakhpur to Delhi by train.

Besides this other alternative way to travel from Kathmandu to Delhi is Kathmandu to Bhadrapur airport by flight, Bhadrapur to Bagdogra Airport (39.3 Km distance with approximate time 1 hour) by drive & Bagdogra to New Delhi or other destination of India by flight.

Kathmandu to Dhanagadhi airport by flight and Dhanagadhi to New Delhi with a distance of 394.4 km and driving time of 8:22 min by drive another option to travel Nepal to India.

Nepal to India Bus rental service

We also provide Bus, Minibus, car, and jeep hire services from Kathmandu & Sunauli to major cities in India like Lucknow, New Delhi, Tajmahal Agra, Rajasthan, Mumbai, Goa, Hyderabad, Manali, Manipur Darjeeling, Sikkim, etc. with the facility of vehicle permit from India Embassy, Kathmandu Nepal.